4 lessons the pandemic has taught us about online learning

4 lessons the pandemic has taught us about online learning

Source: The Optimist Daily Author: Belle Clayton As we reflect on the pandemic it’s easy to pick out the overwhelming negatives that we faced. One of these hardships was online schooling where millions took to their computers to learn digitally. Overnight,...
Why bicycling is so great for you

Why bicycling is so great for you

Source: Fast Company Author: Belle Clayton Most of us learned to ride a bicycle at a young age, and as the saying goes, it’s something you never really forget how. If you are looking for a reason to hop back on the saddle, then here are some perks of the sport to get...
Why it may be time to ditch annual performance reviews

Why it may be time to ditch annual performance reviews

Source: Fast Company Author: Arden Madsen Even the highest-performing employees often feel a sense of dread and anxiety heading into an annual or biannual performance review. Receiving feedback can be stressful, and when a year’s (or half-year’s) worth of work is...